Tag Archives: windows app studio

Importing a CSV Into a Windows App Studio data Collection

Steps to import a CSV to App Studio:

Step 1:  Add column headers and data types manually in the IDE

Step 2:  Use same column headers in Excel

Step 3:  For image fields, in your spreadsheet, use URL or fully qualified local file path and file name

Step 4:  Use VB Macro to export with semi colons and put double quotes around all fields. See code below.

Here is some handy code to use in an Excel Macro when importing a CSV file into App Studio collection. This saved me a ton of work!

Public Sub OutputQuotedCSV()
Const DELIMITER As String = ";"
Const QSTR As String = """"
        Dim myRecord As Range
        Dim myField As Range
        Dim nFileNum As Long
        Dim sOut As String

        nFileNum = FreeFile
        Open "File1.txt" For Output As #nFileNum
        For Each myRecord In Range("A1:A" & _
                    Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
            With myRecord
                For Each myField In Range(.Cells(1), _
                            Cells(.Row, 256).End(xlToLeft))
                    sOut = sOut & DELIMITER & QSTR & _
                        Replace(myField.Text, QSTR, QSTR & QSTR) & QSTR
                Next myField
                Print #nFileNum, Mid(sOut, 2)
                sOut = Empty
            End With
        Next myRecord
        Close #nFileNum
    End Sub

Channel 9 Video – Windows App Studio UWP from No Code to Code

Join MVP Russ Fustino and all of the Fustino Brothers in this live studio audience session recorded recently at the Tampa Code Camp. They present a deep dive into Microsoft Windows App Studio. It is a hot off the metal session.


Building universal Windows apps with no code using Microsoft App Studio. It’s all about creating quality apps quickly using templates. The enhanced App Studio (now for Windows 10) gives you a great start. Use the new Universal Windows Platform (UWP) – one binary, one project for phone and tablet. Employ new the pivot control API’s for YouTube and Flickr integration. Deploy ads easier. And wrap-up a responsive website in an app.

We uncovered the new enhancements that the June 2016 release and their recent experience in building the Ani DiFranco LivingMuseum app with data collections, graphic requirements and team testing. We show the new REST API Data source.

Finally, we take a deep dive into the incredible code that the Windows App Studio team created for all us. App Studio is even open source: https://github.com/wasteam/waslibs. Russ shared tips on how to use the Command Bar, crash reporting, master/detail pages, Search, Caching, Ads and all with the generated code. Questions addressed:

  • When importing a CSV for my data in a collection, how do I upload it without getting numerous errors?
  • Is there an Excel macro/Add-in I can use to help this process, so I have the ability to keep commas in the field data, use semi colons as a delimiter and double quotes around all of the field data items?
  • What is the maximum number of items in a collection? Is there a work around?
  • How do I assign actions on a detail page of a collection item?
  • How do I take advantage of Hero images on each page and what sizes are needed? Where do I load the background of the app?
  • Where do I set the splash screen vs the logos for the app?
  • What are the size limitations?
  • Is there an easy way to install the app for reviewers and team members?
  • How do we integrate the UWP Command Bar to execute one set of event handlers for the app?
  • How do we integrate the latest crash reporting from Microsoft called Hockey App?
  • How do master/detail page relationships work in App Studio code?
  • You want a Navigation bar in your app? And search?
  • You want to write an app that functions completely in Airplane mode, once it is cached is created? If you are a UWP coder, you won’t want to miss this caching topic.
  • “IT’S HUGE”, like one of the local car dealers says on his radio and TV ads! We will also show you how to setup the Ad Client using App Studio and look at the generated XAML!


Know the code, inside App Studio Webcast today!


Monday, July 11, 2016 from 12:00 PM to 12:45 PM (EDT) – Add to Calendar
IBLN-FBI / MAD Tampa Free Webinar – Online, Webinar Only

register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/webinar-part-3-top-10-reasons-to-know-the-code-inside-windows-app-studio-tickets-26478368513

Join Microsoft MVP Russ Fustino and his two brothers, Rich and Gary. Our company, FBI Apps, is proud to resurrect “Russ’ ToolShed”!!! On what topic, you might ask?  CODE!  Let’s take a deep dive into the incredible code the Windows App Studio team creates for us to use. App Studio is even open source. (https://github.com/wasteam/waslibs). We will show how to use a Command Bar, crash reporting, master / detail pages, Search, Caching and Ads in App Studio and then dive into the generated code.

Join this webcast and get answers to these questions:

1. How do I integrate the UWP Command Bar to execute one set of event handlers for the app?

2. How do I integrate the latest crash reporting from Microsoft called Hockey App?

3. How do master/detail page relationships work in App Studio code?

4. You want a Navigation bar in your app? And search?

5. You want to write an app that functions completely in Airplane mode, once it is cached is created? If you are a UWP coder, you won’t want to miss this caching topic.

6. “IT’S HUGE”, like one of the local car dealers says on his radio and TV ads! We will also show you how to setup the Ad Client using App Studio and look at the generated XAML!

Be there or be talked about. Why wouldn’t you start a UWP App, by generating your template with App Studio? Share your experiences with App Studio in this meet up!


“T!PS” for business, and apps development. Reserve your virtual seat today.

Live Online Screen Meeting Instructions:
1. On Your Computer- It’s Recommended to Use a Headset.
- Join-In 3-5 minutes before meeting
- Over the Internet, with your computer / laptop / tablet at -this link: https://www.startmeeting.com/wall/679-256-129
- If you don’t already have the “Start Meeting” free software  – A dialog box will come up and ask permission to download, please click/tap Yes.
- The system will guide you through the process to participate in the online meeting.
- Click/Tap “Join”, complete your name and email address, then click/tap “Submit”.
- First, the “Fustino Brothers, Inc.” dashboard with show on screen.  – Test your speaker/mike. If headset doesn’t work, or if connection is lost try “Rejoin”.
- Click/Tap on the green microphone symbol. When the symbol turns red you are live.
- Introduce yourself.

Or, Conference Call Instructions to Join-In: 
1. For the Phone Take Your Call in a Quite Location-
- Join-In using a land line / mobile phone (no computer needed for this option).  – Dial (530) 881-1212(530) 881-1212 when prompted enter access code followed by the “pound” key.
- 679-256-129# (be sure to include the “#” symbol).
- Meeting time approximately 45 mins. Meeting may be recorded.

Webinar: Building Universal Windows Apps with No Code in Microsoft App Studio

When: Monday 5/9/16 at Noon to 12:30 PM EST

Where: Online using Start Meeting (details below)

Registration link:


Join Microsoft MVP Russ Fustino and the Fustino Brothers in Building universal Windows apps with no code using Microsoft App Studio. It’s all about creating quality apps quickly using templates. The enhanced App Studio (now for Windows 10) gives up great start. Use the new Universal Windows Platform (UWP) – one binary, one project for phone and tablet. Employ new the pivot control API’s for YouTube and Flickr integration. Deploy ads easier. And wrap-up a responsive website in an app. These features for app development including “T!PS” for business will be discussed and demonstrated during the webinar. Register today and reserve your virtual seat.


Live Online Screen Meeting Instructions:
1. On Your Computer- It’s Recommended to Use a Headset.
- Join-In 3-5 minutes before meeting
- Over the Internet, with your computer / laptop / tablet at -this link: https://www.startmeeting.com/wall/679-256-129
- If you don’t already have the “Start Meeting” free software – A dialog box will come up and ask permission to download, please click/tap Yes.
- The system will guide you through the process to participate in the online meeting.
- Click/Tap “Join”, complete your name and email address, then click/tap “Submit”.
- First, the “Fustino Brothers, Inc.” dashboard with show on screen. – Test your speaker/mike. If headset doesn’t work, or if connection is lost try “Rejoin”.
- Click/Tap on the green microphone symbol. When the symbol turns red you are live.
- Introduce yourself.

Or, Conference Call Instructions to Join-In:
1. For the Phone Take Your Call in a Quite Location-
- Join-In using a land line / mobile phone (no computer needed for this option). – Dial (530) 881-1212(530) 881-1212 when prompted enter access code followed by the “pound” key.
- 679-256-129# (be sure to include the “#” symbol).
- Meeting time approximately 45 mins. Meeting may be recorded.

Russ Fustino, Full Time CEO of Fustino Brothers

  • I am back to being CEO of Fustino Brothers, full time. Email russ@fustinobrothers.com and please follow @FustinoBrothers and @RussFustino
  • I am taking a little break  from my contract with Xamarin and Developer Evangelism
  • On a little painful news, it is starting to look like I need laser surgery on my back. During recovery period I plan on doing a lot of coding, as traveling will not be possible, and publish the Jethro Tull iOS and Android Apps using Xamarin. I will know more in a couple of weeks.
  • I am heading up to the Jethro Tull shows in Providence, RI tonight and Lynn, MA on Saturday .  I will be  showing Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull the FBI Jethro Tull app  for Windows Phone and Windows Store right after sound check in Lynn. How exciting is this!
  • The App Studio team will be at the Lynn, MA show to capture the moment.
  • Then its off  to the MVP Summit for my favorite conference of the year! I am so looking forward to seeing everyone! I think I am in trouble however, as my room mate is the one and only Jonas Stawski. Yikes! Smile


  • I will be documenting my way thru this experience of Using App Studio to start an app and using Xamarin to finish it. I am working on a new set of videos for WintellectNOW. More details to come as to topics and content.
  • I am working with the App Studio Windows   team to make the generated C# projects Xamarin friendly, facilitating cross platform capabilities.  The team is very close right now , and keeps getting closer in every release.
  • I hope to be back with Xamarin after the new year in some capacity.
  • I received my Xamarin Mobile App Certification in October and my 2014 Renewal for Microsoft MVP 2014 in Microsoft Platform Development!
  • Wish me luck!

Xamarin Ceritified Mobile Developer Badge-small res
